Wednesday, October 30, 2013

National Budget Computer Lab Assignment

Objective:  The learner will create a national budget.

Goal: To see how difficult it is to create a national budget.

  1. Try a little practice at
  2. Now go to
  3. Click on "The Long Version: Getting into the Nitty-Gritty Details"
  4. Play the game by lowering, keeping the same, raising, or eliminating spending on some areas.  Google any item that you are not sure what it is.
  5. When you are done, and are satisifed with the budget you created, print it out, and then write a justification for your spending and cuts.
    • Justify the general areas where you made cuts
    • Justify the general areas where you increased spending
  6. Part of your grade will be based on if you were able to balance the budget, or even better yet, create a surplus. 
Worth a read:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Review for Unit 2 & 3 Test

This AP Government teacher has a great site with links under each unit that matches our textbook.  You can read the chapter summary, with highlighted key words, and even take a practice quiz.

I like this Prezi on Nominations and Campaigns (also covers Campaign Finance).